LG Electronics, a renowned global technology company, has been manufacturing and providing a diverse range of electronic products such as televisions, washing machines, and computer devices.
Since its establishment in 1947, LG Electronics has been recognized with several prestigious CES Innovation Awards for its innovative products. Today, LG Electronics has a presence in over 100 countries, marking it as a globally recognized brand. With a commitment to providing exceptional customer satisfaction and continuous technological innovation, LG Electronics is poised to remain a prominent player in the electronics industry for years to come.
LG Electronics has a diverse range of product lines that includes TVs, laptops, washing machines, and air conditioners, and introduces new products annually.
The company conducts digital marketing campaigns for various new products, making it challenging to collect and analyze a large volume of data in a centralized location.
Therefore, LG Electronics sought to streamline the management of ad performance data and enhance the systematic execution of marketing campaigns.
LG Electronics launches a variety of new products each year and runs digital marketing to promote them, but we needed a more efficient and organized way to manage performance.
After implementing Adriel, LG Electronics has been able to effectively track and visualize digital advertising KPIs in real-time. With the Adriel dashboard, they can easily monitor the performance of each brand's ads across different media platforms, which has significantly reduced communication costs with ad agencies and enabled faster decision-making.
The custom folder feature allows LG Electronics to quickly view the performance of all brand ads in one place, making it easy to identify which campaigns are performing well and which ones need improvement. Based on this, they were able to make quick optimizations resulting in improved efficiency.
The adoption of Adriel is enabling us to run more efficient advertising campaigns as it significantly minimizes the time required to analyze our ad data.
LG Electronics intends to continue utilizing Adriel to enhance its digital advertising operations and expand its market reach.
The unified dashboard, which provides real-time data updates from all channels, has reduced unnecessary communication and enabled faster decision-making, resulting in significant improvements in cross-functional collaboration and productivity. Team members have streamlined workflows and focused on optimizing digital advertising campaigns.
Thanks to effectively organized dashboards that display vast amounts of data, LG Electronics is able to make data-driven decisions to improve the ROI of its overall marketing efforts.
In the medium to long term, LG Electronics plans to leverage Adriel to further strengthen its business growth strategy and achieve its goal of becoming a global leader in electronics and technology.
Time Spent in Marketing Meetings
Saved Weekly per Account Manager
Ensured Data Accuracy
Account Portfolio Capacity
Spent on Reporting Tasks After Client Onboarding
New Ad Platforms Added to Vahl Ads’ Services
Data Pipelines Automated
Campaign Errors
Time Spent on Reporting