September Wrap Up - Combo Charts, Google Sheets, Custom Metrics, and More

No way we capped off Q3 without letting you in on some exciting updates brought to your dashboards. Stay tuned for a sneak peek.
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September Wrap Up - Combo Charts, Google Sheets, Custom Metrics, and More

No way we capped off Q3 without letting you in on some exciting updates brought to your dashboards. Stay tuned for a sneak peek.

No way we capped off Q3 without letting you in on some exciting updates brought to your dashboards.  

Stay tuned for a sneak peek.

Combination Charts

Not all datasets are created equal. They often come in different dimensions and scales of measurement.

The thing is, line and column charts on their own can only do so much to visually highlight the dots connecting variables.

But what if the two were transposed on top of one another? Now, that’s a different story.

By laying a line plot over a bar graph, combo charts present two separate types of datasets in the same panel, making it that much easier to compare and see how they relate.

Google Sheets Widgets

Building customized dashboards for your Google Sheets projects? ✔️

Placing Google Sheets metrics side-to-side with data from other sources? ✔️

No matter how you plan on slicing it, you can now fill up the dashboards with widgets that reflect the data you’ve connected through Google Sheets for the ultimate customization experience.

Doing so is as easy as following these steps:

  1. Import spreadsheets
  2. Add a widget from the sidebar menu
  3. Choose GSS under data source in Settings

Click on the Data source setting and specify configurations.

Double Down on Custom Metrics

Building new metrics from scratch is cool. Building new metrics based on other custom metrics is even better.

That’s right. You can now include your very own custom metrics in the formulas of other custom metrics for another layer of automation and convenience. Just make sure you don't create infinite loops!

Bump Up to 10,000 Characters

Brevity is the soul of wit. But sometimes you just have to let the words out.

That’s particularly true for instances where sharing a thorough assessment of ongoing marketing activities, or a detailed explanation of notable fluctuations in campaign metrics is not just pertinent but imperative.  

Hence the reason why we expanded the character limit for notepad widgets to 10,000.

No longer leave a series of notes on your dashboard to get your message across. Let all your thoughts flow in a single widget.‍

More to Come

There goes another quarter filled with fantastic new features. Best believe, we’ll be back with another fresh batch of fixes and improvements before you know it.

In the meantime, follow on Instagram and @AdrielMarketing on LinkedIn and Twitter to stay up to date with everything Adriel.

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