Optimization Tips to Boost Your Google Ads

If you are involved in digital marketing, chances are you’ve tried running ads on Google.
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Optimization Tips to Boost Your Google Ads

If you are involved in digital marketing, chances are you’ve tried running ads on Google.
Google Ads on Mobile

If you are involved in digital marketing, chances are you’ve tried running ads on Google. With over 40,000 search queries made every second, the opportunities for exposure are almost endless. But just because you’ve launched your ads, doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll automatically get amazing results. Most people fail to receive the average of 285% ROAS on their campaigns. What this shows is that there is still a lack of information being shared with regards to optimizing your campaigns on Google.

There are several key concepts for running profitable paid campaigns on Google. Here are a few ways you can optimize your PPC campaigns to maximize your returns.

Build Your Keyword List

Perhaps the most important task in launching your Google ad campaigns is building a tailored and relevant keyword list. Selecting the right words will allow your ads to be shown to the right customers. To do this, you need to have a solid understanding of your target customers. Try to lend perspective and see which words would get them to click the ads and get them to your website. Make sure to do a lot of research, list out the words, and order them based on their popularity and competitiveness using the Google Keyword Planner.

Upon launching your Google search ads with the list of keywords you’ve collected, you can choose a keyword match type to tell Google how aggressive you want them to match your ads to the keyword searches. There are three major types: broad match, phrase match, and exact match.

Broad Match: This is the default match type and as the name suggests, it reaches the widest audiences. Your ads will appear whenever a user types in any of your keywords in the search query. This could be in any order and even includes synonyms. While this is good to turn on whenever your ads aren’t receiving enough impressions, your ads may also be shown alongside irrelevant topics.

Phrase Match: Keywords with a phrase match type offer a bit more control over the broad match types. Your ads will appear when a user types in your keywords in the search query in the same order. However, the key difference is that users can add other words either before or after your keyword phrase and your ads will still appear. This is useful for any advertisers wanting to move past just the brand awareness phase and would like to receive qualified leads.

Exact Match: These keywords are the most specific and restrictive of all the keyword match types. Your ads will only appear when a user types in the exact keywords or phrases in the search query. There’s no room for extra words and even if the advertiser types in the same keywords in a different order, your ads won’t appear. Exact match types are recommended only if you are looking for people who have intentions to convert.

Integrate Ad Extensions

The next best way to optimize your Google campaigns is to integrate the different types of ad extensions that are available. If you haven’t already, check out our previous post about sitelinks and callout extensions. There are currently 17 different ad extensions on Google. Ad extensions are essentially a way to increase your chances of placements on the search results page. It’s also a means to give people more reasons to choose your business once they see your ads. Think of it as extra real estate for your ads. You have the option to make use of them and give potential customers more details about your products and/or services.

By adding more content to your ads with extensions, you are more likely to generate a higher number of clicks and therefore increase your prominence on the search results page. But understand that just because you integrate the extensions doesn’t mean your ads will automatically improve. The extensions will show up along with your ads only when Google thinks they will help improve your performance. Also, if your ads weren’t getting enough traffic before, Google may not include these extensions as your campaign needs to meet a minimum ad rank requirement.

Nonetheless, ad extensions are free to add and they won’t charge you any higher fees for the clicks. So make use of them whenever you run Google ads!

Key Takeaway

Google has so much potential to support your business’ growth. It’s a powerful platform that gathers billions of users every single day. But to scale up your marketing efforts through Google, it’s vital to make sure you know about all the tools that can be utilized to boost your advertising performance, including optimizing your ads pre-clicks and landing pages.

Sign up with Adriel to optimize your Google Ads further!

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