All Your Marketing Reports. Now Fully Automated ✨

Tired of spending Friday night making last-minute changes to a client report due yesterday? Say no more.
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All Your Marketing Reports. Now Fully Automated ✨

Tired of spending Friday night making last-minute changes to a client report due yesterday? Say no more.

Tired of spending Friday night making last-minute changes to a client report due yesterday?

Say no more.

Raise the bar with automation

With so much on the plate, agencies have every right to automate reporting processes. Doing so even comes with the added benefit of leaving clients with the impression that they are working with the industry’s best and brightest.

That’s what makes the new whitelabeled reporting features a game-changer. It gives agencies full ownership over top-notch client reports at a fraction of the cost it takes to grow out a dedicated reporting arm comprised of an army of experts.  

Of the ways we strive to better our users’ advertising experience is by helping them expand their offerings in a hassle-free, cost-effective manner. With automated whitelabeled reports, it does exactly that.

Generate reports effortlessly

The best part is that the entire process of putting together a customized report boils down to five simple steps:

  1. Go to Settings and add your brand color, logo, and website domain
  2. Head back to your workspace and switch over to Report Mode
  3. Put in the title and subtitle of your report on the cover page
  4. Add, remove, or resize widgets as necessary from the body of the report
  5. Export your finalized report as a PDF file

Believe it or not, that’s it. Making your own custom report has never been easier 😎

Don't sweat the manual stuff

This all sounds well and good until you realize there’s still the burden of having to send out the report to multiple recipients one by one.

We’ve got you covered.

Here’s all you need to do to set up your email automation:

  1. Click on the hamburger icon right above the layout chart
  2. Enable email automation
  3. Enter the email addresses of the recipients
  4. Choose how often and which day of the week or month you want to share the report
  5. Lay back and watch your report make its way over to your recipients’ inbox at desired intervals

Tip of the iceberg

Our pipeline is full of exciting new features, and we can’t wait to bring them to you throughout the next couple of months.

In the meantime, follow on Instagram and @AdrielMarketing on LinkedIn and Twitter to stay up to date with everything Adriel.

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