Invite Your Colleagues to Collaborate on Adriel

Great things often come from collaboration. Adriel is one of these places that let you make it happen.
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Invite Your Colleagues to Collaborate on Adriel

Great things often come from collaboration. Adriel is one of these places that let you make it happen.

Whether you are already in a team of marketers, plan to be, or simply want to invite outside collaborators to join your marketing efforts, Adriel makes it easy to get everyone involved and keeps you in control by protecting your data with different access levels.

Invite Your Colleagues to Adriel Workspace

Adriel is an intuitive, interactive workspace where you can connect all your advertising accounts, manage and optimize your campaigns, and share your precious data and insights. If you’re tired of the miscommunications that can often happen with the endless back-and-forths, you can now make everything clearer by giving your collaborators direct access to your centralized advertising data on Adriel’s dashboard. Maximize efficiency, save time, and catch up with your team’s activity history in real-time with easy follow-ups: everyone will now always be on the same page.

As the workspace administrator, you can invite new members, create teams, and control every member’s access and visibility level. Adriel’s collaboration feature consists of three different permission levels: admin, edit, and view-only. Of course, these permissions are customizable, meaning that you can assign users different levels of access for specific ad accounts.

Inviting colleagues to Adriel workspace

We know how important safeguarding your data is: Adriel provides tools that allow you to control visibility and choose specific ad accounts for each member to access, which is especially useful when working with external partners and agencies. You can create different groups and teams to manage members efficiently: For example, if you want to invite someone from an agency you hired, put that member in your “Agency” group. If you want to invite your marketing team members, simply assign them to your “Marketing Team” group. Invited members will only see what you allow them to see. When you’re ready to start collaborating, you can invite new members with a pre-selected access level directly from your dashboard.

Sharing data regarding your advertising performance can sometimes be a hassle, especially when numerous accounts and campaigns are involved. Adriel empowers your teams and lets you share key insights in an unprecedented intuitive manner. Invite colleagues to your dashboard and make sure that everyone always sees what you need them to see.

Book a call with a product specialist today!

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