[Google] Reasons for ad disapproval

Find out reasons for google ad disapproval and prevent them in advance.
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[Google] Reasons for ad disapproval

Find out reasons for google ad disapproval and prevent them in advance.

Google is the most utilized search engine in the world across all platforms with a 93% market share. Millions of people use Google Search for informative purposes and Google will inevitably keep growing exponentially due to the influence of YouTube and Play-store.

Google currently provides an online marketing platform called ‘Google Ads’, where the users can launch ‘keyword ads’, ‘display ads’ & ‘video ads’. These ads will be exposed to many different Google networks to reach the appropriate customers. Through the use of various site search engines such as Google Analytics or Data Studio, Google can exploit user data and hence attract more customers.

List of different types of Google Ads campaign

Main examples & reasons for ad disapproval

Use of prohibited contents

  • Google Ads prohibits the sale or promotion for the sale of counterfeit goods, products, and services that cause damage (drugs, weapons, explosives, etc
) & ads that promote hatred, intolerance, discrimination, or violence.

Use of restricted contents

  • Adult contents: Do not allow certain kinds of adult content in ads and destinations. Some kinds of adult-oriented ads and destinations are allowed if they comply with the related policies
  • Gambling: Supports responsible gambling advertising and abides by local gambling laws and industry standards. Google Ads does not allow certain kinds of gambling-related advertising.
  • Political content: Allows responsible political advertising and expect all political ads and destinations to comply with local campaign and election laws for any areas they target
Drug, gambling, and health content prohibited by Google Ads

Other requirements

  • In order to provide a quality user experience, Google requires that all ads, extensions, and destinations meet high professional and editorial standards. They only allow ads that are clear, professional in appearance, and that lead users to content that is relevant, useful, and easy to interact with.
  • Do not use overly generic ads that contain vague phrases such as “Buy products here” & gimmicky use of words, numbers, letters, punctuation, or symbols such as FREE, f-r-e-e, and Fâ‚耀!!
  • Google Ads does not allow ads or destinations that intend to deceive users by excluding relevant information or giving misleading information about products, services, or businesses. (Before & After images not allowed).
  • Do not allow displaying phone numbers on the ads.

Landing web page issues & use of ‘bit.ly’ URL

  • Ad destinations must offer unique value to users and be functional, useful, and easy to navigate. Therefore the use of the bit.ly URL for tracking purposes is not allowed. If tracking is required, we recommend you to connect to Google Analytics.


  • Advertisers are responsible for proper trademark use in their ad text, assets, and business information

There are also many other reasons for disapproval, so please check the Google Advertising Policies by clicking the link below. In some cases, the review process may take longer than 24 hours due to one or more of the reasons stated above.

Google Advertising Policies

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